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Our Holiday Card Made it into the Top 8 on Above the Law!

We are EXTREMELY psyched to have our holiday card acknowledged by Above the Law! Here's what they had to say:

"Otten Johnson: This Denver-based law firm breaks into the finals for the first time with a charming card focused on the legalities surrounding snowman construction. “We hope you enjoy the ‘we don’t take ourselves too seriously’ attitude of our holiday card. It is compelling because it is unusual: no video of attorneys smiling at the camera in a board room, no collages of still shots of all the volunteer work we did over the past year, no flash presentations on world peace and how to say ‘Happy Holidays’ in 43 languages, no snow falling on the mountains in the background. Just some white boarding that shows a silly caricature of Colorado real estate and business attorneys (that’s us). (And, if you want to see some skiing, visit our home page:”

It’s a fun card, with well-drawn visuals and funny lyrics. Access it here."

Click here to see the full list of finalists, and to vote for your Colorado "hometown" favorites: US!

(The polls will be open through SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 2014, at 11:59 p.m.)