News & Events
Otten Johnson Commits to Promoting Justice and Equality Through Year-long Campaign
As our nation wrestles with how to respond to the latest examples of systemic racism in some of our society’s institutions, many are protesting and rallying a call for change. We feel compelled to do more than just speak out. After consideration, we have decided to make the following commitment:
Otten Johnson will actively support and join the movement to make our elections – at every level – more accessible, fair and representative of the entire U.S. population.
In 2020, we will embark on the following mission to:
-Gain an education from, and support organizations like: Common Cause, Just Vote Colorado, the Colorado Lawyers Committee and New Era Colorado.
-Work to empower all U.S. citizens by sharing knowledge about how our political system works, and what needs to be done to create equal access in elections.
-Support campaigns to increase voter registration, expand voting access and ensure fair elections.
-Activate our fellow citizens to take action and exercise their right to vote.
Protesting racism and abuse of power is important. The next vital step is to make sure all voices are heard through elections. Otten Johnson pledges to do its part to support those efforts.
We are committed to making real change for all Americans. Please join us.